Staff Management POS Commands

The table below lists and describes the Staff Management POS commands.

POS Command Description
TIMEREG Command for the Time Registration Panel panel. Function depends on the parameter.
  • RESET - Clears any input in the panel and resets to default.
  • TIMEREGCOMING - Registers current employees arrival time.
  • TIMEREGGOING - Registers current employees departure time.
  • TIMEREGSHIFTREQ: - Displays the current employees shift requests.
  • TIMEREGVIEWROSTER - Displays current employees roster entries.
  • TIMEREGREQDAYON - Starts the request shift process.
  • TIMEREGREQDAYOFF - Starts the request day off process.
  • TIMEREGREQEXCHANGE - Starts the request shift exchange process.
  • TIMEREGVIEWHOUR - Displays the current employees hour registration.
  • TIMEREGVIEWSALARY - Displays the current employees salary entries.
  • TIMEREGVIEWSHIFTS - Displays the shift assignments.
  • TIMEREGVIEWREQUEST - Displays the shift requests.
  • TIMEREGSHOWFUNCPAD - Displays the employee functionality menu.